Crisis Services Around the Portland Metro Area and Beyond
If you or a loved one is at immediate risk, please go to the closest hospital emergency department or call 911*
Cascadia Urgent Walk-In Mental Health Clinic
4212 SE Division St., Ste 100, Portland, OR 97206
Unity Center for Behavioral Health
1225 NE 2nd Ave, Portland, OR 97232
Outside In Housing and Health Services
Downtown: 1132 SW 13th Ave., Portland, OR 97205
East Burnside: 16144 E Burnside St., Portland, OR 97233
Portland Street Response (only in Lents Neighborhood)
Can be requested when calling 911
People's Crisis Line
503-200-7993 (call or SMS)
Oregon Behavioral Health Support Line
Trans Lifeline
1-877-565-8860 (guaranteed answer 7:00am-2:00am PST)
Oprima 2 para hablar con unx operador en Español
Trevor Project Lifeline
SMS: Text “START” to 678678
Online Chat: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/get-help-now/
RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Online Chat: https://tinyurl.com/tuazz8wp
Sexual Assault Victims’ Emergency Medical Response (SAVE) Fund
(pays for medical exams, medications, and 5 counseling sessions)
The Victim Rights Law Center
1-855-411-5477 x6 or 503-274-5477 x6
Oregon Crime Victim's Law Center
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs: Victims of Crime Services
Русская орегонская социальная служба (РОСС)
Программа помощи жертвам домашнего и сексуального насилия
24-часовую кризисную линию: 503-381-7757
Oregon DHS Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting 24 Hour Hotline
1-800-509-5439 or 503-731-3100
211 Community Information Center
Can connect you with local resources to food, shelter, utility
assistance, child care, benefit programs, medical support, etc.
Impact NW: Preventing Homelessness
Dancing Tree Family Center: 503-721-1740
Multicultural Service Center: 503-721-6760
Brentwood-Darlington Community Center: 503-721-6777
Native American Youth and Family Center
5135 NE Columbia Blvd, Portland, OR 97218
Portland Street Medicine
825 NE Multnomah St., Ste. 240, Portland OR 97232
For Reed College Students
Health and Counseling Center Walk-In Services
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd., Portland, OR 97202
Medical: 503-777-7281 Counseling: 503-517-7349
Nurse Advice Line: 1-800-607-5501
After Hours Crisis Line: 1-866-432-1224
For Portland State University Students
Student Health and Counseling Services
For Lewis and Clark Students
The Counseling Service
Nurse Consultation Service: 1-844-915-2069
After Hours Crisis Line: 503-265-7804
Campus Safety: 503-768-7777
* Most mental health professionals are required to ask you to call 911 in a crisis. However, there is no guarantee that your area offers mental health crisis services through their local police department. Please use caution when using this as a resource and consider alternatives when possible, especially if the individual in crisis could be a high risk of being targeted for violence by the police.
Multnomah County Crisis: Project Respond
TTY: 503.988.5866
TTY: 1-866-835-2755
SMS: Text "HOME" to 741741
SMS: Text "teen2teen" to 839863
Online Chat: https://oregonyouthline.org/get-help/
Crisis Text Line for Young People of Color (through the Steve Fund)
SMS: Text "STEVE" to 741741
Naseeha Mental Health (support for North American Muslims)
Call or SMS: 1-866-NASEEHA (627-3342) (9am - 6pm PST)
1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929)
Online Chat: https://www.1800runaway.org/youth-teens/get-help
Email: https://tinyurl.com/c2azfmbc
Aging and Disability Resource Connection of Oregon
1-855-673-2372 or 503-988-3646
Friendship Line for Seniors, and Adults with Disabilities (through the IOA)
1-800-273.8255 - press 1
SMS: 838255
TTY: 711 then 1-800-273-8255
Online Chat: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help/chat
Sex Workers Outreach Project Community Support Line
Call to Safety: All Gender Domestic Violence Support
24 Hour Crisis Line: 1-888-235-5333 or 503-235-5333
SMS: 503-235-5333 (M-F 8am-6pm PST)
Message an advocate: https://calltosafety.org/services/email-support/
Online Chat: https://calltosafety.org/services/
Una línea de apoyo confidencial que provee asistencia las 24 horas del día para sobrevivientes de violencia interpersonal
Bradley Angle Inclusive Domestic Violence Shelters and Programs
Emergency Shelter Line: 503-281-2442
24 Hour Crisis Line: 503-222-6222
The Gateway Center: 10305 E Burnside St, Portland OR 97216
Gateway Center Phone: 503-988-6400
Domestic Violence Resource Center
24 Hour Crisis Line: 503-469-8620 or 1-866-469-8600
735 SW 158th Ave, Ste 100, Beaverton, OR 97006
Oregon Community Counseling Warm Line
- 1-800-698-2392 (9am - 11pm)
Portland People's Outreach Project (mobile harm reduction services)
Multnomah County Harm Reduction Clinic
12425 NE Glisan Street (in Menlo Park Plaza, behind Walgreens)
Portland Alcohol and Drug Helpline
1-800-923-4357 or 503-244-1312
SMS: Text "RecoveryNow" to 839863 (M-F, 2-6pm PST)
Para Español: 1-877-515-7848
Cascades Abortion Support Collective

Q Center
"Q Center provides a safe space to support and celebrate LGBTQ diversity, equity, visibility and community building. There are dozens of events and groups that meet here, some focused on specific topics (like coming out or gender identity) and others aimed at fun social interactions (like sing-along piano cabarets or craft nights).
In addition their 5,000 sq/ft facility is also a safe and friendly place to spend an afternoon. With their monthly art exhibits, extensive library collection, Resource Wall, and free WiFi access, there’s always something to see and learn at Q Center."
"TransActive Gender Center provides a holistic range of services and expertise to empower transgender and gender diverse children, youth and their families in living healthy lives, free of discrimination.
TransActive's education program offers high-quality, affordable educational workshops and training to prepare and assist those who wish to effectively and respectfully meet the needs of children and youth who are gender diverse and/or transgender. And their Advocacy Project offers grass-roots, non-legal representation and support to gender diverse children and youth age 23-and-under and their families."
The Equi Institute
"The Equi Institute provides affordable, excellent, culturally specific, patient empowering health care that fits the needs of the individual rather than trying to make people fit a cookie-cutter model.
The Equi Institute trusts their patients to make the choices they need to make for themselves, and respects those choices. All providers and staff employed or volunteering at The Equi Institute are trained in the philosophy and practical application of the theories of Health at Every Size, Racial Justice, Economic Equality, and Non-Violent Communication, with a focus on community advocacy, education, and positive sociocultural change."
Northwest Gender Alliance
The NWGA is a non-profit social, support and educational group for trans individuals. The NWGA is open and affirming of all gender, sex, and sexual identities, and they welcome MTF / transwomen, FTM / transmen, androgynous or gender-variant individuals, and intersex community members. The group, traditionally a “club,” holds monthly open meetings and sponsors a variety of transgender social functions throughout the year. They provide educational forums for public and private organizations or individuals interested in learning more about trans experience and the gender spectrum. Their members find support, understanding and acceptance on a one-to-one basis from others who face the similar challenges in life. They welcome new and diverse members.
"SMYRC provides a safe, supervised, harassment-free space for sexual and gender minority youth ages 13-23 who participate in positive activities like art, music, community organizing, open mic nights, drag shows, and support groups and receive services including case management, counseling, education, and more.
SMYRC also offers mental health support services. A Cascadia Behavioral Health LGBTQ Mental Health Specialist is in the SMYRC Drop-in Center on Mondays at the downtown location and Wednesdays at the East County location."
Brave Space LLC
Brave Space LLC is a collective of independent professionals dedicated to providing competent care to transgender clients, as well as their families and loved ones. Brave Space offers counseling, resources, and referrals to clients of all ages. This includes services for clients with OHP, a free clothing closet, and a scholarship for gender-related wellness services.
The Transgender Health Program at OHSU
Links to expert OHSU providers for any health care need: such as primary care, mental health care and gender-affirming services.
Free classes and events on topics such as gender-affirming surgery and fertility and reproduction options.
Information and support from professionals and peers.
One of the nation’s most comprehensive transgender health programs, with therapies not available elsewhere in the Northwest.
Access to family-centered services for children and teens.
Gender Pathways Clinic
The Gender Pathways Clinic at Kaiser Permanente Northwest provides culturally competent care to transgender and gender-expansive patients. Their specialist team consists of providers from internal medicine, gynecology, psychiatry, surgery, social work, nursing, and community health navigation who provide high-quality, gender-affirming:
Hormone therapy
Sexual and reproductive health care
Mental health services
Surgical evaluations and procedures
Prism Health
Prism Health provides compassionate, affirming primary care for transgender and gender non-conforming folks in a safe, friendly, and culturally responsive space.
Their patient-directed, trauma-informed approach to care provides for a variety of affirming healthcare needs including:
hormone therapy and management
referrals to gender affirming surgeries
coordination with behavior healthcare providers to provide letters of support for gender affirming surgeries
gender-affirming pap smears, pelvic exams, and prostate exams
STI screening and PrEP therapy